Labor > Labour compensation and hours worked > Hours worked > Average hours actually worked: Countries Compared
The average hours worked is calculated as the total numbers of hours worked over the year divided by the average numbers of people in employment. Employment is generally measured through household labour force surveys and, in accordance with the ILO Guidelines, employed persons are defined as those aged 15 years or over who report that they have worked in gainful employment for at least one hour in the previous week. Estimates of the hours actually worked are also based on household labour force surveys in most countries, while the rest use establishment surveys, administrative sources or a combination of sources. They include regular work hours of full-time and part-time workers, over-time (paid and unpaid), hours worked in additional jobs and time not worked because of public holidays, annual paid leave, time spent on illness and maternity leave, strikes and labour disputes, bad weather, economic conditions and several other minor reasons.