Pig Iron Consumption at Manufacturers of Pig Iron and Raw Steel and Castings by Region and State

This key economic indicator for the Iron Ore sector has been recently updated.

  1. In 2014, Pig Iron Consumption at Manufacturers of Pig Iron and Raw Steel and Castings by Region and State in the US grew 4.3% compared to the previous year.
  2. Since 2009 United States Pig Iron Consumption at Manufacturers of Pig Iron and Raw Steel and Castings by Region and State rose 8.1% year on year reaching 4,920 Thousand Metric Tons.
  3. In 2014 United States was number 5 in Pig Iron Consumption at Manufacturers of Pig Iron and Raw Steel and Castings by Region and State.
  4. In 2014 United States was ranked number 9 in Pig Iron Consumption at Manufacturers of Pig Iron and Raw Steel and Castings by Region and State attaining 1,970 Thousand Metric Tons, from 13 in 2013.

Top Countries in Pig Iron Consumption at Manufacturers of Pig Iron and Raw Steel and Castings by Region and State

# 14 Countries Thousand Metric Tons Last YoY 5‑years CAGR
1 #1
United States
19,200.00 2014 -22.9 % +1.6 % View data

Source: U.S. Geological Survey

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