Global Trends, Statistics and Insights for Infectious Disease

  1. Ukraine Number of Reported Measles Cases jumped by 1,012.9% in 2018, compared to a year earlier.
  2. Since 2014 Kenya Number of Neonatal Tetanus Reported Cases jumped by 51% year on year close to 283 Cases.
  3. In 2019 United States was ranked number 1 in Total Number of 10% Top-Cited Scientific Publications in Infectious Diseases.
  4. In 2019 Portugal was number 31 in Number of Scientific Publications in Infectious Diseases reaching 62.52 Publications, jumping from 33 in 2018.

Other Data (34 results)

Number of Reported Measles Cases
316 countries compared Units (Cases) Annual until 2019
Diphtheria Tetanus Toxoid and Pertussis Third Dose (DTP3) Immunization Coverage
204 countries compared Percent of Children Aged 1 Year Old Annual until 2019
Polio Vaccine Third Dose (Pol3) Immunization Coverage
204 countries compared Percent of Children Aged 1 Year Old Annual until 2019
Measles Immunization Coverage for Children
192 countries compared Percent of Children Aged 12-23 Months Annual until 2019
Deaths by Communicable Diseases, Maternal, Prenatal and Nutrition Conditions
183 countries compared Percent of Total Deaths Annual until 2019
Deaths by Communicable Diseases, Maternal, Prenatal or Nutrition Conditions
183 countries compared Percent of Women Aged 15-34 Annual until 2016
Deaths by Communicable Diseases and Maternal, Prenatal and Nutrition Conditions Among Males Aged 35-59
183 countries compared Percent of Relevant Age Group Annual until 2016
Death Rate by Communicable Diseases and Maternal, Prenatal and Nutrition Conditions Among Females Aged 35-59
183 countries compared Percent of Relevant Age Group Annual until 2016
Deaths by Communicable Diseases and Maternal, Prenatal and Nutrition Conditions Among Males Aged 15-34
182 countries compared Percent Annual until 2016
Measles-Containing-Vaccine Second-Dose (MCV2) Immunization Coverage
178 countries compared Percent of Children of the Nationally Recommended Age Annual until 2019
Baccille Calmette Guérin Vaccine (BCG) Immunization Coverage
169 countries compared Percent of Children Aged 1 Year Old Annual until 2019
Share of Scientific Publications Involving International Collaboration in Infectious Diseases
120 countries compared Percent Annual until 2019
Share of Scientific Publications Among the World's 10% Top-Cited Publications in Infectious Diseases
120 countries compared Percent Annual until 2019
Prevalence of Syphilis
102 countries compared Percent of Women Attending Antenatal Care Annual until 2019
Number of Neonatal Tetanus Reported Cases
79 countries compared Units (Cases) Annual until 2019
Acute Respiratory Infection Treatment Among Children
62 countries compared Percent of Children Under 5 Taken to a Health Provider Annual until 2019
Total Number of 10% Top-Cited Scientific Publications in Infectious Diseases
60 countries compared Units (Publications) Annual until 2019
Number of Scientific Publications in Infectious Diseases
60 countries compared Units (Publications) Annual until 2019
Share of Corresponding/Leading Author in Scientific Publications in Infectious Diseases
60 countries compared Percent Annual until 2019
Number of Scientific Publications Among the World's 10% Top-Cited Publications in Infectious Diseases
60 countries compared Units (Publications) Annual until 2019
Total Number of Scientific Publications in Infectious Diseases
60 countries compared Units (Publications) Annual until 2019
Measles Vaccination Rates Among Children
44 countries compared Percent of Children Annual until 2019
Diphtheria, Tetanus and Pertussis Vaccination Rates Among Children
44 countries compared Percent of Children Annual until 2019
Children Immunised for Measles
44 countries compared Percent Annual until 2019
Children Immunised for Diphtheria, Tetanus, and Pertussis
44 countries compared Percent Annual until 2019
Measles Immunisation
44 countries compared Percent of Children Immunised Annual until 2019
Hepatitis B Immunisation
36 countries compared Percent of Children Immunised Annual until 2019
Hospital Discharges for Infectious and Parasitic Diseases Cases
35 countries compared Units (Hospital Discharges) Annual until 2019
Measles Incidence
34 countries compared Units (Cases) Per Hundred Thousand Persons Annual until 2019
Pertussis Incidence
34 countries compared Units (Cases) Per Hundred Thousand Persons Annual until 2019
Hospital Average Length of Stay for Infectious and Parasitic Diseases Cases
34 countries compared Days Annual until 2019
Influenza Immunisation
31 countries compared Percent of Persons Aged 65+ Annual until 2019
Total Influenza Vaccination Rates
31 countries compared Percent of Persons Aged 65+ Annual until 2019
Vaccination Against Influenza of Population Aged 65 and over
29 countries compared Percent Annual until 2019

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