10 Data results found for “ginger”

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Ginger Production

Nepal Ginger Production increased 4.8% in 2019, compared to a year earlier.

39 countries compared Metric Tons Annual until 2019

Ginger Imported

In 2016, Ginger Imported from Thailand by Thailand decreased by 86% compared to a year earlier.

2 countries compared Thousand US Dollars Annual until 2018

Import of Ginger

Bangladesh Import of Ginger increased 5.1% in 2019, compared to the previous year.

158 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019

Export of Ginger

In 2019, Export of Ginger from Peru was up 10.9% compared to a year earlier.

129 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019

Ginger Net Production

Indonesia Ginger Net Production rose 4.8% in 2019, from a year earlier.

39 countries compared Thousand US Dollars PPP = 2004–2006 Annual until 2019

Ginger Gross Production

India Ginger Gross Production was up 13.3% in 2019, compared to the previous year.

32 countries compared Million US Dollars Annual until 2019

Ginger Producer Price

In 2018, Ginger Producer Price in Jamaica was up 17% compared to the previous year.

19 countries compared US Dollars Per Metric Ton Annual until 2018

Re-Export of Ginger

Canada grew 97.5% of Re-Export of Ginger in 2019, from a year earlier.

21 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019

Re-Import of Ginger

United Kingdom Re-Import of Ginger grew 95.6% in 2017, from a year earlier.

8 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019

Ginger Producer Price Index

In 2017, Ginger Producer Price Index in Sri Lanka increased 141.6% compared to a year earlier.

31 countries compared Indexes 2004–2006 = 100 Annual until 2017

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