Belgium - Sold Production of Parts for Taps, Cocks, Valves and Similar Appliances for Pipes, Boiler Shells, Tanks, Vats and the Like

In 2015, the country was ranked number 21 among other countries in Sold Production of Parts for Taps, Cocks, Valves and Similar Appliances for Pipes, Boiler Shells, Tanks, Vats and the Like at €930,379. Belgium is overtaken by Portugal, which was ranked number 20 with €8,920,114.87 and is followed by Lithuania at €711,085. Italy ranked the highest with €1,027,448,995.45 in 2019, that is a growth of 11.7% compared to 2018. Germany, United Kingdom and France respectively ranked number 2, 3 and 4 in this ranking. Estonia witnessed the best average annual growth at +91.7% per year, while Serbia recorded the worst performance at -40% per year.


Date Euros
2015 930,379.00
Download all data from 1995 to 2015

How does Belgium rank in Sold Production of Parts for Taps, Cocks, Valves and Similar Appliances for Pipes, Boiler Shells, Tanks, Vats and the Like?

# 24 Countries Euros Last YoY 5‑years CAGR
1 #1
1,027,448,995.45 2019 +11.7 % -4.9 % View data
2 #2
972,157,959.54 2019 +2.5 % +1.4 % View data
20 #20
8,920,114.87 2019 +0.1 % -13.0 % View data
21 #21
930,379.00 2015 NA NA View data
22 #22
711,085.00 2019 -2.0 % +21.6 % View data
Compare all 24 countries

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