China - Magnesium Production Capacity

Since 2014, China Magnesium Production Capacity rose 4.5% year on year. With 1,991,173 Metric Tons in 2019, the country was number 1 comparing other countries in Magnesium Production Capacity. Russia, United States and Israel respectively ranked number 2, 3 and 4 in this ranking. China recorded the best 5 years average growth at +4.5% per year, while Malaysia witnessed the worst performance at a stable.


Date Metric Tons
2019 1,991,173.00
2018 1,902,728.00
2017 1,812,478.00
2016 1,720,386.00
2015 1,600,000.00
Download all data from 2002 to 2019

How does China rank in Magnesium Production Capacity?

# 11 Countries Metric Tons Last YoY 5‑years CAGR
1 #1
1,991,173.00 2019 +4.7 % +4.5 % View data
2 #2
86,571.00 2019 +1.6 % +1.6 % View data
3 #3
United States
68,226.00 2019 +1.5 % +1.4 % View data
4 #4
35,741.00 2019 +1.1 % +1.0 % View data
5 #5
35,146.00 2019 +3.3 % +3.2 % View data
Compare all 11 countries

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