Czech Republic - Mental Health Outpatient Facilities Density

In 2015, the country was number 6 among other countries in Mental Health Outpatient Facilities Density with 10.95 Units (Establishments) Per Hundred Thousand Persons. Czech Republic is overtaken by Samoa, which was number 5 with 12.39 Units (Establishments) Per Hundred Thousand Persons and is followed by Grenada at 10.3 Units (Establishments) Per Hundred Thousand Persons. Latvia, Saint Lucia and Estonia respectively ranked number 2, 3 and 4 in this ranking.


Date Units (Establishments) Per Hundred Thousand Persons
2015 10.95
Download all data from 2015 to 2015

How does Czech Republic rank in Mental Health Outpatient Facilities Density?

# 139 Countries Units (Establishments) Per Hundred Thousand Persons Last YoY 5‑years CAGR
1 #1
61 2017 NA NA View data
2 #2
20 2015 NA NA View data
5 #5
12 2016 NA NA View data
6 #6
Czech Republic
11 2015 NA NA View data
7 #7
10 2016 NA NA View data
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