India - Import of Dried Egg Yolks

Since 2013, India Import of Dried Egg Yolks increased 109.8% year on year. In 2018, the country was number 61 comparing other countries in Import of Dried Egg Yolks at $187,466.22. India is overtaken by Ukraine, which was number 60 with $197,614.44 and is followed by Canada at $176,060.2. Germany lead the ranking with $17,665,139.28 in 2019, a decrease of 6.9% versus 2018. Japan, United Kingdom and Sweden respectively ranked number 2, 3 and 4 in this ranking. Senegal recorded the best 5 years average growth at +228.2% per year, while Lesotho witnessed the worst performance at -73.6% per year.


Date US Dollars
2018 187,466.22
2017 76,653.52
2016 119,161.00
Download all data from 2003 to 2018

How does India rank in Import of Dried Egg Yolks?

# 122 Countries US Dollars Last YoY 5‑years CAGR
1 #1
17,665,139.28 2019 -6.9 % +0.1 % View data
2 #2
13,262,123.00 2019 -25.5 % +4.1 % View data
60 #60
197,614.44 2019 +46.4 % +38.5 % View data
61 #61
187,466.22 2018 +144.6 % +109.8 % View data
62 #62
176,060.20 2019 -69.8 % -28.3 % View data
Compare all 122 countries

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