Ireland - Import of Sauces

Since 2014, Ireland Import of Sauces rose 6.2% year on year. In 2019, the country was number 10 among other countries in Import of Sauces with €151,828,371.42. Ireland is overtaken by Sweden, which was ranked number 9 at €163,550,394.49 and is followed by Denmark at €128,370,817.2. United Kingdom topped the ranking with €765,101,173.71 in 2019, +2.2% versus 2018. France, Germany and Netherlands respectively ranked number 2, 3 and 4 in this ranking. Bulgaria witnessed the best average annual growth at +10.9% per year, while Austria recorded the worst performance at +0.1% per year.


Date Euros
2019 151,828,371.42
2018 150,778,110.00
2017 136,554,550.00
2016 123,857,190.00
2015 114,858,030.00
Download all data from 1995 to 2019

How does Ireland rank in Import of Sauces?

# 27 Countries Euros Last YoY 5‑years CAGR
1 #1
United Kingdom
765,101,173.71 2019 +2.2 % +3.2 % View data
2 #2
632,320,797.28 2019 +3.6 % +3.0 % View data
9 #9
163,550,394.49 2019 +3.1 % +2.3 % View data
10 #10
151,828,371.42 2019 +0.7 % +6.2 % View data
11 #11
128,370,817.20 2019 +4.1 % +4.7 % View data
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