Sweden - Import of Bakery Machinery

Since 2014, Sweden Import of Bakery Machinery was down by 0.2% year on year. In 2019, the country was ranked number 14 comparing other countries in Import of Bakery Machinery with €12,164,577.34. Sweden is overtaken by Portugal, which was ranked number 13 with €15,419,325.56 and is followed by Denmark with €9,180,747.61. Germany lead the ranking with €85,163,134.9 in 2019, that is +0.6% compared to 2018. France, Poland and Spain respectively ranked number 2, 3 and 4 in this ranking. Slovenia witnessed the best average annual growth at +31.1% per year, while Hungary witnessed the worst performance at -16.4% per year.


Date Euros
2019 12,164,577.34
2018 11,048,230.00
2017 15,651,020.00
2016 9,191,790.00
2015 10,255,160.00
Download all data from 1995 to 2019

How does Sweden rank in Import of Bakery Machinery?

# 27 Countries Euros Last YoY 5‑years CAGR
1 #1
85,163,134.90 2019 +0.6 % +10.7 % View data
2 #2
80,508,734.97 2019 -4.5 % +1.7 % View data
13 #13
15,419,325.56 2019 +0.5 % +10.7 % View data
14 #14
12,164,577.34 2019 +10.1 % -0.2 % View data
15 #15
9,180,747.61 2019 +7.8 % -6.3 % View data
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