Country vs country: Economy Stats: compare key data on Russia & United States and Economy Stats: compare key data on Russia & United States compared Economy

STAT Russia United States HISTORY
Budget > Revenues $416.80 billion
Ranked 12th.
$2.45 trillion
Ranked 1st. 6 times more than Russia

Budget surplus > + or deficit > - -0.1% of GDP
Ranked 41st.
-6.8% of GDP
Ranked 157th. 68 times more than Russia

Debt > Government debt > Public debt, share of GDP 12.2 CIA
Ranked 139th.
72.5 CIA
Ranked 35th. 6 times more than Russia
Overview Russia has undergone significant changes since the collapse of the Soviet Union, moving from a globally-isolated, centrally-planned economy to a more market-based and globally-integrated economy. Economic reforms in the 1990s privatized most industry, with notable exceptions in the energy and defense-related sectors. The protection of property rights is still weak and the private sector remains subject to heavy state interference. In 2011, Russia became the world's leading oil producer, surpassing Saudi Arabia; Russia is the second-largest producer of natural gas; Russia holds the world's largest natural gas reserves, the second-largest coal reserves, and the eighth-largest crude oil reserves. Russia is also a top exporter of metals such as steel and primary aluminum. Russia's reliance on commodity exports makes it vulnerable to boom and bust cycles that follow the volatile swings in global prices. The government since 2007 has embarked on an ambitious program to reduce this dependency and build up the country's high technology sectors, but with few visible results so far. The economy had averaged 7% growth in the decade following the 1998 Russian financial crisis, resulting in a doubling of real disposable incomes and the emergence of a middle class. The Russian economy, however, was one of the hardest hit by the 2008-09 global economic crisis as oil prices plummeted and the foreign credits that Russian banks and firms relied on dried up. According to the World Bank the government's anti-crisis package in 2008-09 amounted to roughly 6.7% of GDP. The economic decline bottomed out in mid-2009 and the economy began to grow again in the third quarter of 2009. High oil prices buoyed Russian growth in 2011-12 and helped Russia reduce the budget deficit inherited from 2008-09. Russia has reduced unemployment to a record low and has lowered inflation below double digit rates. Russia joined the World Trade Organization in 2012, which will reduce trade barriers in Russia for foreign goods and services and help open foreign markets to Russian goods and services. At the same time, Russia has sought to cement economic ties with countries in the former Soviet space through a Customs Union with Belarus and Kazakhstan, and, in the next several years, through the creation of a new Russia-led economic bloc called the Eurasian Economic Union. Russia has had difficulty attracting foreign direct investment and has experienced large capital outflows in the past several years, leading to official programs to improve Russia's international rankings for its investment climate. Russia's adoption of a new oil-price-based fiscal rule in 2012 and a more flexible exchange rate policy have improved its ability to deal with external shocks, including volatile oil prices. Russia's long-term challenges also include a shrinking workforce, rampant corruption, and underinvestment in infrastructure. The US has the largest and most technologically powerful economy in the world, with a per capita GDP of $49,800. In this market-oriented economy, private individuals and business firms make most of the decisions, and the federal and state governments buy needed goods and services predominantly in the private marketplace. US business firms enjoy greater flexibility than their counterparts in Western Europe and Japan in decisions to expand capital plant, to lay off surplus workers, and to develop new products. At the same time, they face higher barriers to enter their rivals' home markets than foreign firms face entering US markets. US firms are at or near the forefront in technological advances, especially in computers and in medical, aerospace, and military equipment; their advantage has narrowed since the end of World War II. The onrush of technology largely explains the gradual development of a "two-tier labor market" in which those at the bottom lack the education and the professional/technical skills of those at the top and, more and more, fail to get comparable pay raises, health insurance coverage, and other benefits. Since 1975, practically all the gains in household income have gone to the top 20% of households. Since 1996, dividends and capital gains have grown faster than wages or any other category of after-tax income. Imported oil accounts for nearly 55% of US consumption. Crude oil prices doubled between 2001 and 2006, the year home prices peaked; higher gasoline prices ate into consumers' budgets and many individuals fell behind in their mortgage payments. Oil prices climbed another 50% between 2006 and 2008, and bank foreclosures more than doubled in the same period. Besides dampening the housing market, soaring oil prices caused a drop in the value of the dollar and a deterioration in the US merchandise trade deficit, which peaked at $840 billion in 2008. The sub-prime mortgage crisis, falling home prices, investment bank failures, tight credit, and the global economic downturn pushed the United States into a recession by mid-2008. GDP contracted until the third quarter of 2009, making this the deepest and longest downturn since the Great Depression. To help stabilize financial markets, in October 2008 the US Congress established a $700 billion Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP). The government used some of these funds to purchase equity in US banks and industrial corporations, much of which had been returned to the government by early 2011. In January 2009 the US Congress passed and President Barack OBAMA signed a bill providing an additional $787 billion fiscal stimulus to be used over 10 years - two-thirds on additional spending and one-third on tax cuts - to create jobs and to help the economy recover. In 2010 and 2011, the federal budget deficit reached nearly 9% of GDP. In 2012 the federal government reduced the growth of spending and the deficit shrank to 7.6% of GDP. Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan required major shifts in national resources from civilian to military purposes and contributed to the growth of the budget deficit and public debt. Through 2011, the direct costs of the wars totaled nearly $900 billion, according to US government figures. US revenues from taxes and other sources are lower, as a percentage of GDP, than those of most other countries. In March 2010, President OBAMA signed into law the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, a health insurance reform that was designed to extend coverage to an additional 32 million American citizens by 2016, through private health insurance for the general population and Medicaid for the impoverished. Total spending on health care - public plus private - rose from 9.0% of GDP in 1980 to 17.9% in 2010. In July 2010, the president signed the DODD-FRANK Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, a law designed to promote financial stability by protecting consumers from financial abuses, ending taxpayer bailouts of financial firms, dealing with troubled banks that are "too big to fail," and improving accountability and transparency in the financial system - in particular, by requiring certain financial derivatives to be traded in markets that are subject to government regulation and oversight. In December 2012, the Federal Reserve Board announced plans to purchase $85 billion per month of mortgage-backed and Treasury securities in an effort to hold down long-term interest rates, and to keep short term rates near zero until unemployment drops to 6.5% from the December rate of 7.8%, or until inflation rises above 2.5%. Long-term problems include stagnation of wages for lower-income families, inadequate investment in deteriorating infrastructure, rapidly rising medical and pension costs of an aging population, energy shortages, and sizable current account and budget deficits - including significant budget shortages for state governments.
Exports $528.00 billion
Ranked 8th.
$1.56 trillion
Ranked 2nd. 3 times more than Russia

GDP $2.01 trillion
Ranked 9th.
$15.68 trillion
Ranked 2nd. 8 times more than Russia

GDP > Per capita $14,832.60 per capita
Ranked 55th.
$45,759.46 per capita
Ranked 8th. 3 times more than Russia

GDP > Per capita > PPP $17,500.00
Ranked 57th.
Ranked 6th. 3 times more than Russia

GDP > Purchasing power parity per capita $15,654.30
Ranked 53th.
Ranked 7th. 3 times more than Russia

GDP per capita $14,037.03
Ranked 44th.
Ranked 10th. 4 times more than Russia

Gross National Income $253.00 billion
Ranked 17th.
$9.78 trillion
Ranked 1st. 39 times more than Russia
Inflation rate > Consumer prices 5.1%
Ranked 75th. 2 times more than United States
Ranked 160th.

Population below poverty line 12.7%
Ranked 27th.
Ranked 34th. 19% more than Russia

Public debt 7.7% of GDP
Ranked 143th.
70% of GDP
Ranked 37th. 9 times more than Russia

Unemployment rate 5.5%
Ranked 83th.
Ranked 47th. 47% more than Russia

GDP > Composition, by sector of origin > Services 58.4%
Ranked 101st.
Ranked 14th. 36% more than Russia
Exports per capita $3,678.60
Ranked 56th.
Ranked 50th. 35% more than Russia

Distribution of family income > Gini index 41.7
Ranked 7th.
Ranked 9th. 8% more than Russia

Human Development Index 0.795
Ranked 61st.
Ranked 10th. 19% more than Russia
Tourist arrivals > Per capita 168.27 per 1,000 people
Ranked 94th.
190.7 per 1,000 people
Ranked 91st. 13% more than Russia

GDP > Purchasing power parity $2.49 trillion
Ranked 6th.
$16.24 trillion
Ranked 1st. 7 times more than Russia

Currency > PPP conversion factor to official exchange rate ratio 0.49
Ranked 69th.
Ranked 24th. 2 times more than Russia

Fiscal year calendar year 1
GDP > Composition by sector > Industry 37.6%
Ranked 41st. 97% more than United States
Ranked 160th.

Currency > Official exchange rate > LCU per US$, period average $30.84
Ranked 72nd. 31 times more than United States
Ranked 147th.

Inequality > GINI index 43.67
Ranked 12th. 7% more than United States
Ranked 16th.
Imports per capita $2,338.83
Ranked 91st.
Ranked 47th. 3 times more than Russia

Gross National Income per capita $1,733.48
Ranked 78th.
Ranked 5th. 20 times more than Russia
Tax > Highest marginal tax rate > Individual rate 13%
Ranked 74th.
Ranked 35th. 3 times more than Russia

Technology index 3.65
Ranked 66th.
Ranked 1st. 71% more than Russia
Development > Human Development Index 0.788
Ranked 55th.
Ranked 3rd. 19% more than Russia

Population below poverty line > Per capita 0.112% per 1 million people
Ranked 24th. 3 times more than United States
0.041% per 1 million people
Ranked 44th.

Big Mac Index $1.60
Ranked 53th.
Ranked 8th. 97% more than Russia
GDP > Per capita > PPP per thousand people $0.12
Ranked 149th.
Ranked 139th. 35% more than Russia

Exports > Commodities petroleum and petroleum products, natural gas, metals, wood and wood products, chemicals, and a wide variety of civilian and military manufactures agricultural products (soybeans, fruit, corn) 9.2%, industrial supplies (organic chemicals) 26.8%, capital goods (transistors, aircraft, motor vehicle parts, computers, telecommunications equipment) 49.0%, consumer goods (automobiles, medicines) 15.0%
Poverty and inequality > Richest quintile to poorest quintile ratio 7.6
Ranked 8th.
Ranked 3rd. 11% more than Russia
Imports $335.70 billion
Ranked 15th.
$2.30 trillion
Ranked 1st. 7 times more than Russia

Budget > Expenditures $418.00 billion
Ranked 12th.
$3.54 trillion
Ranked 1st. 8 times more than Russia

GINI index 39.93
Ranked 13th.
Ranked 16th. 2% more than Russia
Reserves of foreign exchange and gold per capita $3,352.57
Ranked 22nd. 14 times more than United States
Ranked 105th.

Debt > Net foreign assets > Current LCU 17.31 trillion
Ranked 12th.
Ranked 162nd.

Tourist arrivals 23.68 million
Ranked 11th.
57.94 million
Ranked 3rd. 2 times more than Russia

Budget > Revenues > Per capita $2,114.90 per capita
Ranked 58th.
$8,527.60 per capita
Ranked 29th. 4 times more than Russia

Inbound tourism income > Current US$ $15.92 billion
Ranked 18th.
$166.53 billion
Ranked 2nd. 10 times more than Russia

Tax > Tax rates 33.54
Ranked 33th. 2 times more than United States
Ranked 3rd.

GDP per person 8,684.48
Ranked 52nd.
Ranked 9th. 5 times more than Russia

Exports > Main exports Oil and oil products, natural gas, wood and wood products, metals, chemicals, weapons and military equipment Computers and electrical machinery, vehicles, chemical products, food and live animals, military equipment and aircraft
Budget > Revenues per capita $1,840.03
Ranked 64th.
Ranked 33th. 4 times more than Russia

Debt > External $631.80 billion
Ranked 20th.
$15.93 trillion
Ranked 1st. 25 times more than Russia

Gross domestic savings > Current US$ per capita 1,838.98$
Ranked 36th.
Ranked 25th. 3 times more than Russia

Central bank discount rate 8.25%
Ranked 7th. 17 times more than United States
Ranked 122nd.

Debt > External > Per capita $2,721.79 per capita
Ranked 53th.
$40,678.76 per capita
Ranked 12th. 15 times more than Russia

GDP > Composition by sector > Services 58%
Ranked 97th.
Ranked 15th. 37% more than Russia

Tax > GDP > Constant LCU 12.63 trillion
Ranked 20th.
14.23 trillion
Ranked 18th. 13% more than Russia

Tourism > International tourism, number of arrivals per capita 0.174
Ranked 108th.
Ranked 98th. 15% more than Russia

International tourism > Receipts > Current US$ > Per $ GDP 9.69$ per $1,000 of GDP
Ranked 98th.
9.9$ per $1,000 of GDP
Ranked 97th. 2% more than Russia

Consumer spending 53.78
Ranked 103th.
Ranked 53th. 33% more than Russia

Consumer price index 199.77%
Ranked 14th. 76% more than United States
Ranked 105th.

GDP > Composition by sector > Agriculture 4.4%
Ranked 134th. 4 times more than United States
Ranked 191st.

GDP per capita > PPP > Current international $ 10,844.58 PPP $
Ranked 51st.
41,889.57 PPP $
Ranked 2nd. 4 times more than Russia

Industries complete range of mining and extractive industries producing coal, oil, gas, chemicals, and metals; all forms of machine building from rolling mills to high-performance aircraft and space vehicles; defense industries including radar, missile production, and advanced electronic components, shipbuilding; road and rail transportation equipment; communications equipment; agricultural machinery, tractors, and construction equipment; electric power generating and transmitting equipment; medical and scientific instruments; consumer durables, textiles, foodstuffs, handicrafts highly diversified, world leading, high-technology innovator, second largest industrial output in world; petroleum, steel, motor vehicles, aerospace, telecommunications, chemicals, electronics, food processing, consumer goods, lumber, mining
Population below poverty line > Per $ GDP 30.08% per $1 trillion of GD
Ranked 37th. 29 times more than United States
1.03% per $1 trillion of GD
Ranked 42nd.

GDP > Composition, by end use > Imports of goods and services -22.1%
Ranked 14th. 31% more than United States
Ranked 4th.
New businesses registered > Number > Per capita 3.47 per 1,000 people
Ranked 14th. 52% more than United States
2.28 per 1,000 people
Ranked 26th.

GDP per capita > Constant LCU 68766.06 37267.33
Balance of payments > Capital and financial account > Foreign direct investment > Net inflows > BoP > Current US $36.75 billion
Ranked 7th.
$134.71 billion
Ranked 3rd. 4 times more than Russia

Labor force 75
Ranked 51st.
Ranked 39th. 2 times more than Russia

GDP > Real growth rate 3.4%
Ranked 92nd. 21% more than United States
Ranked 106th.

Debt > Government debt > Gross government debt, share of GDP 10.88 IMF
Ranked 164th.
106.53 IMF
Ranked 11th. 10 times more than Russia
Debt > Central government debt, total > Current LCU 5.19 trillion
Ranked 10th.
12.26 trillion
Ranked 8th. 2 times more than Russia

International tourism > Number of arrivals 22.2 million
Ranked 8th.
49.21 million
Ranked 3rd. 2 times more than Russia

Economic growth > Per capita -7.82
Ranked 151st. 2 times more than United States
Ranked 111th.

Foreign direct investment > Net > BoP > Current US$ per capita 15.73 BoP $
Ranked 82nd.
340.7 BoP $
Ranked 23th. 22 times more than Russia

GDP per capita > Constant 2000 US$ 2,444.58 constant 2000 US$
Ranked 67th.
37,267.33 constant 2000 US$
Ranked 4th. 15 times more than Russia

Micro > Small and medium enterprises > Number > Per capita 48.15 per 1,000 people
Ranked 8th. 2 times more than United States
19.98 per 1,000 people
Ranked 19th.
Economic freedom 51.1
Ranked 139th.
Ranked 10th. 49% more than Russia

GDP > Official exchange rate per capita $10,372.99
Ranked 57th.
Ranked 8th. 5 times more than Russia

Stock of direct foreign investment > At home $497.80 billion
Ranked 17th.
$2.65 trillion
Ranked 1st. 5 times more than Russia

Current account balance $71.43 billion
Ranked 7th.
Ranked 180th.

Agriculture > Products grain, sugar beets, sunflower seed, vegetables, fruits; beef, milk wheat, corn, other grains, fruits, vegetables, cotton; beef, pork, poultry, dairy products; fish; forest products
Trade > Imports per capita $1,666.56
Ranked 72nd.
Ranked 42nd. 4 times more than Russia

Currency Russian ruble US dollar
Current account balance > BoP > Current US$ per capita 581.1 BoP $
Ranked 22nd.
-2,678.39 BoP $
Ranked 134th.

GNI per capita $10,650.00
Ranked 47th.
Ranked 11th. 5 times more than Russia
GDP > Purchasing power parity > Per capita $14,832.60 per capita
Ranked 55th.
$45,759.46 per capita
Ranked 8th. 3 times more than Russia

Companies > Listed domestic companies, total 276
Ranked 32nd.
Ranked 3rd. 15 times more than Russia

Trade > Exports per capita $2,645.57
Ranked 53th.
Ranked 46th. 55% more than Russia

Business > Companies > Corporate governance (overall rating) 3.9
Ranked 30th.
Ranked 4th. 84% more than Russia
Current account balance per capita $483.53
Ranked 26th.
Ranked 79th.

Money and quasi money > M2 > Current LCU 7221118000000 9258648000000
Tourism > International tourism, number of arrivals 24.93 million
Ranked 10th.
62.71 million
Ranked 3rd. 3 times more than Russia

Gross national saving 29.5% of GDP
Ranked 26th. 2 times more than United States
12.5% of GDP
Ranked 118th.

Tax > GDP > Constant LCU per capita 87,995.22
Ranked 63th. 94% more than United States
Ranked 81st.

Retail > Gross value added by wholesale, retail trade, restaurants and hotels 357.6 billion
Ranked 5th.
2.36 trillion
Ranked 1st. 7 times more than Russia

Companies > Market capitalization of listed companies > Current US$ per capita $6,093.79
Ranked 42nd.
Ranked 6th. 10 times more than Russia

Market capitalization of listed companies > Current US$ per capita 9,276.02$
Ranked 11th.
Ranked 6th. 6 times more than Russia

Household final > Consumption expenditure > Current US$ per capita 2,564.72$
Ranked 53th.
Ranked 3rd. 11 times more than Russia

Budget > Expenditures per capita $2,395.55
Ranked 57th.
Ranked 24th. 5 times more than Russia

Reserves > Total reserves > Includes gold, current US$ $537.82 billion
Ranked 5th.
$574.27 billion
Ranked 4th. 7% more than Russia

Stock of broad money None None
Exchange rates Russian rubles (RUB) per US dollar -<br />30.84 (2012 est.)<br />29.38 (2011 est.)<br />30.37 (2010 est.)<br />31.74 (2009)<br />24.85 (2008) <strong>British pounds per US dollar: </strong>0.6324 (2012 est.), 0.624 (2011 est.), 0.6472 (2010), 0.6175 (2009), 0.5302 (2008)<br /><strong>Canadian dollars per US dollar:</strong> (2012 est.), 1.001 (2012 est.), 0.9895 (2011 est), 1.0302 (2010 est.), 1.1431 (2009), 1.0364 (2008)<br /><strong>Chinese yuan per US dollar:</strong> (2011 est.), 6.311 (2012 est.), 6.4615 (20111 est.), 6.7703 (2010 est.), 6.8314 (2009), 6.9385 (2008)<br /><strong>euros per US dollar:</strong> 0.7838 (2012 est.), 0.7185 (2011 est.), 0.755 (2010 est.), 0.7198 (2009), 0.6827 (2008)<br /><strong>Japanese yen per US dollar:</strong> 79.42 (2012 est.), 79.81 (2011 est.), 87.78 (2010), 93.57 (2009), 103.58 (2008)
Debt > External per capita $2,707.95
Ranked 53th.
Ranked 13th. 15 times more than Russia

Size of economy > Share of world GDP 0.79%
Ranked 18th.
Ranked 1st. 40 times more than Russia
Gross fixed capital formation > Current US$ > Per $ GDP 0.182$ per $1 of GDP
Ranked 116th.
0.187$ per $1 of GDP
Ranked 112th. 3% more than Russia

Exports > Partners Netherlands 14.4%, China 6.4%, Italy 5.3%, Germany 4.5% Canada 18.9%, Mexico 14%, China 7.2%, Japan 4.5%
GDP > Official exchange rate $2.00 trillion
Ranked 8th.
$16.02 trillion
Ranked 1st. 8 times more than Russia

GDP per capita > PPP > Constant 2000 international $ 9,647.96 PPP 2000 $
Ranked 51st.
37,267.33 PPP 2000 $
Ranked 2nd. 4 times more than Russia

Investment > Gross fixed 23.2% of GDP
Ranked 58th. 80% more than United States
12.9% of GDP
Ranked 139th.

Income receipts > BoP > Current US$ per capita 125.32 BoP $
Ranked 61st.
1,606.16 BoP $
Ranked 22nd. 13 times more than Russia

Bank liquid > Reserves to bank assets ratio 11.91
Ranked 68th. 16 times more than United States
Ranked 160th.

Tax > Highest marginal tax rate > Corporate rate 20%
Ranked 81st.
Ranked 4th. Twice as much as Russia

Stock of narrow money None None
GDP > Composition, by sector of origin > Industry 37.5%
Ranked 43th. 95% more than United States
Ranked 161st.
Debt > Net domestic credit > Current LCU 26.58 trillion
Ranked 12th. 65% more than United States
16.15 trillion
Ranked 16th.

Trade > Exports > Exports of goods and services > Constant 2000 US$ per capita $2,238.61
Ranked 53th.
Ranked 34th. 3 times more than Russia

Government spending 46.59 billion
Ranked 19th.
1.74 trillion
Ranked 2nd. 37 times more than Russia

Net current transfers from abroad > Constant LCU -14458190000 -74888950000
Foreign direct investment > Net inflows > BoP > Current US$ per capita 105.84 BoP $
Ranked 70th.
371.4 BoP $
Ranked 35th. 4 times more than Russia

GDP > Current LCU 21598000000000 12416510000000
High-technology > Exports > Current US$ > Per capita $36,298.68 per 1,000 people
Ranked 53th.
$760,722.33 per 1,000 people
Ranked 24th. 21 times more than Russia

GDP > Composition, by sector of origin > Agriculture 4.2%
Ranked 131st. 4 times more than United States
Ranked 194th.
Savings > Gross domestic savings > Current US$ per capita $4,671.39
Ranked 34th.
Ranked 21st. 74% more than Russia

Tax > Tax payments > Number 7
Ranked 174th.
Ranked 139th. 57% more than Russia

Real interest rate -7.49%
Ranked 124th.
Ranked 86th.

Royalty and license fees > Receipts > BoP > Current US$ > Per $ GDP 340.7 BoP $ per $1 million of
Ranked 47th.
4,623.68 BoP $ per $1 million of
Ranked 12th. 14 times more than Russia

Gross domestic savings 321.44 billion
Ranked 10th.
1.61 trillion
Ranked 3rd. 5 times more than Russia

Inflation 152.32
Ranked 18th. 39% more than United States
Ranked 143th.

Investment > External financial assets per capita €3,178.94
Ranked 45th.
Ranked 2nd. 42 times more than Russia

Outbound tourist spending 28.12 billion
Ranked 10th.
117.97 billion
Ranked 2nd. 4 times more than Russia

Income > GNI, PPP > Current international $ per capita $22,716.89
Ranked 37th.
Ranked 5th. 2 times more than Russia

Income > GNI per capita, PPP > Current international $ $22,720.00
Ranked 37th.
Ranked 5th. 2 times more than Russia

IKEA > First store opening year 2000 1985
GDP > By type of expenditure > Household consumption expenditure per capita 6,959.57
Ranked 71st.
Ranked 8th. 5 times more than Russia

Reserves of foreign exchange and gold $537.60 billion
Ranked 4th. 4 times more than United States
$150.20 billion
Ranked 18th.

Big Mac Index > Per $ GDP $0.04 per $14.1 billion of GDP
Ranked 59th. 10 times more than United States
$0.00 per $14.1 billion of GDP
Ranked 63th.
Size of economy > GDP > GDP growth 3.44%
Ranked 85th. 56% more than United States
Ranked 111th.

GDP > Constant 2000 US$ 349.85 billion constant 2000 US$
Ranked 16th.
11.05 trillion constant 2000 US$
Ranked 1st. 32 times more than Russia

International tourism > Expenditures > Current US$ per capita 131.3$
Ranked 51st.
Ranked 32nd. 3 times more than Russia

Purchasing power parity conversion factor > LCU per international $ 13.92 1
Micro > Small and medium enterprises > Number 6.89 million
Ranked 1st. 17% more than United States
5.87 million
Ranked 1st.
GDP > Composition, by end use > Household consumption 49.2%
Ranked 159th.
Ranked 80th. 39% more than Russia
Current transfers > Receipts > BoP > Current US$ 4.69 billion BoP $
Ranked 29th.
15.77 billion BoP $
Ranked 8th. 3 times more than Russia

Innovation > Patent applications, residents per million 185.33
Ranked 17th.
Ranked 3rd. 4 times more than Russia

Tax > Taxes on income, profits and capital gains > Current LCU 304.6 billion
Ranked 25th.
1.4 trillion
Ranked 15th. 5 times more than Russia

Debt > Net current transfers from abroad > Current LCU 106.65 billion
Ranked 35th.
Ranked 130th.

Saving rate 22.66
Ranked 34th. 2 times more than United States
Ranked 96th.

GDP > PPP > Constant 2000 international $ per capita 9,645.5 PPP 2000 $
Ranked 50th.
37,380.07 PPP 2000 $
Ranked 2nd. 4 times more than Russia

International tourism > Number of departures 28.42 million
Ranked 6th.
63.5 million
Ranked 3rd. 2 times more than Russia

Consumption > Consumption by sector > Equals: Household final consumption expenditure 857.56 billion USD
Ranked 7th.
10.44 trillion USD
Ranked 2nd. 12 times more than Russia

Debt > Central government debt, total > Current LCU per capita 36,335.34
Ranked 21st.
Ranked 20th. 8% more than Russia

Net income > BoP > Current US$ > Per capita -133,534.619 BoP $ per 1,000 people
Ranked 86th.
38,102.24 BoP $ per 1,000 people
Ranked 22nd.

GDP > CIA Factbook $1.28 trillion
Ranked 10th.
$10.99 trillion
Ranked 1st. 9 times more than Russia

Poverty and inequality > Poorest's share in national income or consumption 6.46%
Ranked 16th. 19% more than United States
Ranked 30th.
Investment > External financial assets €453 billion
Ranked 25th.
€42.17 trillion
Ranked 1st. 93 times more than Russia

Debt > Net foreign assets > Current LCU per capita 120,629.4
Ranked 35th.
Ranked 157th.

Tax > GDP > Current LCU 62.6 trillion
Ranked 15th. 4 times more than United States
16.24 trillion
Ranked 28th.

GDP > PPP per capita $9,792.19
Ranked 53th.
Ranked 2nd. 4 times more than Russia
GNI 1.19 trillion
Ranked 13th.
14.01 trillion
Ranked 2nd. 12 times more than Russia

GDP > PPP $1.41 trillion
Ranked 10th.
$11.63 trillion
Ranked 1st. 8 times more than Russia
Market capitalization of listed companies > Current US$ 1.32 trillion$
Ranked 2nd.
17 trillion$
Ranked 1st. 13 times more than Russia

Companies > Listed domestic companies, total per million 1.92
Ranked 91st.
Ranked 49th. 7 times more than Russia

Tax > GDP > Current US$ per capita $14,037.02
Ranked 47th.
Ranked 10th. 4 times more than Russia

Industrial production growth rate 3.1%
Ranked 81st.
Ranked 79th. 3% more than Russia

Purchasing power parity > GDP per capita > PPP > Current international $ $18,962.61
Ranked 40th.
Ranked 6th. 2 times more than Russia

World trade > Exports 341.65 billion
Ranked 13th.
1.58 trillion
Ranked 2nd. 5 times more than Russia

Tourist arrivals by region of origin > Europe 19.69 million
Ranked 5th. 84% more than United States
10.7 million
Ranked 10th.

Bank capital to assets ratio 12.5%
Ranked 4th. 20% more than United States
Ranked 11th.

Companies > Stock market > Stocks traded, total value > Current US$ per capita $5,101.56
Ranked 28th.
Ranked 3rd. 13 times more than Russia

Lending interest rate 10.68%
Ranked 75th. 73% more than United States
Ranked 118th.

Industrial > Production growth rate 8.3%
Ranked 28th. 3 times more than United States
Ranked 92nd.

Tax > Taxes on income, profits and capital gains > Current LCU per capita 2,130.67
Ranked 61st.
Ranked 46th. 2 times more than Russia

Spending > Household final consumption expenditure per capita > Constant 2000 US$ $4,259.77
Ranked 44th.
Ranked 3rd. 7 times more than Russia

Tax > GDP per capita > Constant LCU 87,995.22
Ranked 63th. 94% more than United States
Ranked 81st.

Income > GDP per capita, PPP > Current international $ $23,500.96
Ranked 47th.
Ranked 8th. 2 times more than Russia

Debt > Interest rates > Central bank discount rate 8.25%
Ranked 43th. 33 times more than United States
Ranked 92nd.
Business > Companies > Specific companies > IKEA > Debut 2,000
Ranked 19th. 1% more than United States
Ranked 31st.

Currency > Real effective exchange rate index > 2005 = 100 133.95
Ranked 9th. 50% more than United States
Ranked 88th.

Net domestic credit > Current LCU 4460766000000 11970270000000
International tourism > Receipts > Current US$ per capita 51.71$
Ranked 81st.
Ranked 44th. 8 times more than Russia

Retail > Gross value added by wholesale, retail trade, restaurants and hotels per capita 2,491.43
Ranked 57th.
Ranked 17th. 3 times more than Russia

GDP > By type of expenditure > Household consumption expenditure 998.93 billion
Ranked 10th.
11.15 trillion
Ranked 1st. 11 times more than Russia

Household spending per capita 1,763.85
Ranked 53th.
Ranked 1st. 15 times more than Russia

Commercial bank prime lending rate 9.1%
Ranked 97th. 3 times more than United States
Ranked 170th.

Companies > Market capitalization of listed companies > Current US$ $874.66 billion
Ranked 16th.
$18.67 trillion
Ranked 1st. 21 times more than Russia

Current account balance > BoP > Current US$ 83.18 billion BoP $
Ranked 5th.
-791,508,800,000 BoP $
Ranked 137th.

Trade > Imports $237.30 billion
Ranked 18th.
$1.90 trillion
Ranked 1st. 8 times more than Russia

Currency > Real effective exchange rate index 149.25%
Ranked 1st. 61% more than United States
Ranked 64th.

Currency > Official exchange rate > LCU per US$ > Period average 28.28 1
GDP > CIA Factbook per capita $8,865.87
Ranked 56th.
Ranked 2nd. 4 times more than Russia

Oil > Exports 7.3 million bbl/day
Ranked 2nd. 4 times more than United States
1.92 million bbl/day
Ranked 9th.

GDP > Composition, by end use > Exports of goods and services 29.7%
Ranked 123th. 2 times more than United States
Ranked 182nd.
Purchasing power parity > GNI per capita > PPP > Current international $ $18,350.00
Ranked 36th.
Ranked 5th. 2 times more than Russia

Income > Health expenditure per capita, PPP > Constant 2005 international $ $1,316.32
Ranked 48th.
Ranked 1st. 7 times more than Russia

Consumption > Consumption by sector > Equals: Household final consumption expenditure per capita 5,974.63 USD
Ranked 33th.
33,496.5 USD
Ranked 5th. 6 times more than Russia

Spending > Household final consumption expenditure > Current US$ per capita $6,908.00
Ranked 45th.
Ranked 4th. 5 times more than Russia

Tax > GDP > Current LCU per capita 436,130.07
Ranked 40th. 8 times more than United States
Ranked 98th.

Debt > Strength of legal rights index > 0=weak to 10=strong per million 0.0209
Ranked 183th.
Ranked 182nd. 37% more than Russia

Oil > Production 10.13 million bbl/day
Ranked 2nd. 5% more than United States
9.69 million bbl/day
Ranked 3rd.

Economy growth -7.89
Ranked 154th. 3 times more than United States
Ranked 111th.

Trade > Exports > Exports of goods and services 597.54 billion
Ranked 9th.
2.2 trillion
Ranked 1st. 4 times more than Russia

Purchasing power parity > Gross domestic product per capita > PPP 13,611.38
Ranked 42nd.
Ranked 6th. 3 times more than Russia

Debt > Interest payments > Current LCU 272.3 billion
Ranked 18th.
324.26 billion
Ranked 15th. 19% more than Russia

Innovation 20.6
Ranked 28th.
Ranked 1st. 47% more than Russia
Electricity > Consumption per capita 6,043.27 kWh
Ranked 9th.
12,194.74 kWh
Ranked 2nd. 2 times more than Russia

Market capitalization of listed companies > Current US$ > Per $ GDP 718.3$ per $1,000 of GDP
Ranked 34th.
1,368.98$ per $1,000 of GDP
Ranked 15th. 91% more than Russia

GDP > CIA Factbook > Per capita $8,865.87 per capita
Ranked 60th.
$37,791.00 per capita
Ranked 2nd. 4 times more than Russia

Household spending 250.2 billion
Ranked 16th.
8.22 trillion
Ranked 1st. 33 times more than Russia

Income > Household final consumption expenditure, PPP > Constant 2005 international $ per capita $8,997.77
Ranked 37th.
Ranked 1st. 3 times more than Russia

GDP > Composition, by end use > Government consumption 18.6%
Ranked 59th.
Ranked 53th. 5% more than Russia
GDP > Per $ GDP $14,832.60 per $1 of GDP
Ranked 55th.
$45,759.46 per $1 of GDP
Ranked 8th. 3 times more than Russia

Spending > Household final consumption expenditure, etc. > Current US$ $968.84 billion
Ranked 12th.
$11.15 trillion
Ranked 1st. 12 times more than Russia

Entrepreneurship > Starting a Business > Index ranking 31
Ranked 124th. 10 times more than United States
Ranked 152nd.
GDP > Constant 2000 US$ per capita 2,443.96 constant 2000 US$
Ranked 68th.
37,380.07 constant 2000 US$
Ranked 4th. 15 times more than Russia

Gross domestic savings > Current US$ 263.25 billion$
Ranked 7th.
1.62 trillion$
Ranked 1st. 6 times more than Russia

GNI > Current US$ per capita 5,204.22$
Ranked 51st.
Ranked 5th. 8 times more than Russia

Trade > Exports $376.70 billion
Ranked 12th.
$1.27 trillion
Ranked 3rd. 3 times more than Russia

Purchasing power parity > GDP > PPP > Current international $ $2.69 trillion
Ranked 7th.
$14.12 trillion
Ranked 2nd. 5 times more than Russia

Gross national expenditure > Constant 2000 US$ per capita 2,153.68 constant 2000 US$
Ranked 50th.
38,609.96 constant 2000 US$
Ranked 1st. 18 times more than Russia

Entrepreneurship > Hiring and Firing > Index ranking 57
Ranked 97th. 10 times more than United States
Ranked 148th.
Income > GDP, PPP > Current international $ per capita $23,500.96
Ranked 47th.
Ranked 8th. 2 times more than Russia

Total > Reserves in months of imports 10.84
Ranked 5th. 12 times more than United States
Ranked 120th.

Imports > Commodities machinery, vehicles, pharmaceutical products, plastic, semi-finished metal products, meat, fruits and nuts, optical and medical instruments, iron, steel agricultural products 4.9%, industrial supplies 32.9% (crude oil 8.2%), capital goods 30.4% (computers, telecommunications equipment, motor vehicle parts, office machines, electric power machinery), consumer goods 31.8% (automobiles, clothing, medicines, furniture, toys)
Debt > Banks > Automated teller machines > ATMs > Per 100,000 adults 182
Ranked 3rd. 5% more than United States
Ranked 4th.

Inflation > Consumer price index > 2005 = 100 185.44
Ranked 33th. 58% more than United States
Ranked 152nd.

Gross domestic savings > Current US$ > Per $ GDP 344.69$ per $1,000 of GDP
Ranked 22nd. 2 times more than United States
138.73$ per $1,000 of GDP
Ranked 102nd.

GDP > Constant LCU 9841362000000 11046430000000
Poverty and inequality > Inequality adjusted income index 0.647
Ranked 27th.
Ranked 22nd. 5% more than Russia
Trade > Export growth -4.7
Ranked 37th.
Ranked 54th.

Welfare > Revenue, excluding grants > Current LCU 17.52 trillion
Ranked 8th. 7 times more than United States
2.54 trillion
Ranked 19th.

Welfare > Social contributions > Current LCU 3.49 trillion
Ranked 4th. 4 times more than United States
905.45 billion
Ranked 8th.

Labor force per thousand people 0.000526
Ranked 102nd. 8% more than United States
Ranked 115th.

Business efficiency 43.59
Ranked 45th.
Ranked 1st. 2 times more than Russia
Trade > Imports > Imports of goods and services 449.42 billion
Ranked 12th.
2.74 trillion
Ranked 1st. 6 times more than Russia

GDP > Median household income (PPP) $14,303.00
Ranked 47th.
Ranked 7th. 4 times more than Russia
Household final > Consumption expenditure per capita > Constant 2000 US$ 1,315.92 constant 2000 US$
Ranked 57th.
25,841.85 constant 2000 US$
Ranked 1st. 20 times more than Russia

Public institution index 3.54
Ranked 86th.
Ranked 21st. 62% more than Russia
GNI > Atlas method > Current US$ per capita 4,457.35$
Ranked 56th.
Ranked 5th. 10 times more than Russia

Income > Household final consumption expenditure, PPP > Constant 2005 international $ $1.29 trillion
Ranked 7th.
$9.70 trillion
Ranked 1st. 8 times more than Russia

Income > GNI, PPP > Current international $ $3.26 trillion
Ranked 7th.
$16.51 trillion
Ranked 2nd. 5 times more than Russia

Income > GDP, PPP > Current international $ $3.37 trillion
Ranked 7th.
$16.24 trillion
Ranked 2nd. 5 times more than Russia

Currency > Monetary unit 1 rouble = 100 kopecks 1 US dollar = 100 cents
Budget > Expenditures > Per $ GDP $0.16 per $1 of GDP
Ranked 126th.
$0.20 per $1 of GDP
Ranked 112th. 26% more than Russia

Taxes and other revenues 20.8% of GDP
Ranked 142nd. 36% more than United States
15.3% of GDP
Ranked 2nd.

Patents granted 131 per million people
Ranked 12th.
289 per million people
Ranked 3rd. 2 times more than Russia
Balance of payments > Financial > Reserves 6.53 billion
Ranked 15th.
Ranked 142nd.

Balance of payments > Current account > Balances > Current account balance > Current US$ $49.43 billion
Ranked 5th.
Ranked 143th.

Balance of payments > Current account > Goods > Services and income > Exports > Goods and services > Current U $344.91 billion
Ranked 13th.
$1.57 trillion
Ranked 2nd. 5 times more than Russia

Government > Sovereign wealth funds > Assets 187.4 billion USD
Ranked 8th. 52% more than United States
123 billion USD
Ranked 11th.
Oil > Proved reserves 60 billion bbl
Ranked 8th. 3 times more than United States
20.68 billion bbl
Ranked 13th.

Companies > Ease of doing business index > 1=most business-friendly regulations 92
Ranked 97th. 23 times more than United States
Ranked 185th.

Natural gas > Production 610.1 billion cu m
Ranked 2nd.
611 billion cu m
Ranked 1st. About the same as Russia

GDP deflator 219.46
Ranked 64th. 95% more than United States
Ranked 146th.

New businesses registered > Number 489,955
Ranked 1st.
Ranked 1st. 38% more than Russia

Oil > Consumption 2.94 million bbl/day
Ranked 5th.
19.15 million bbl/day
Ranked 1st. 7 times more than Russia

Tourism > International tourism, receipts > Current US$ $17.03 billion
Ranked 21st.
$185.89 billion
Ranked 2nd. 11 times more than Russia

Electricity > Consumption 857.6 billion kWh
Ranked 2nd.
3.74 trillion kWh
Ranked 1st. 4 times more than Russia

Spending > Final consumption expenditure > Constant 2000 US$ per capita $5,360.13
Ranked 42nd.
Ranked 5th. 7 times more than Russia

Currency > GDP > Constant 2000 US$ per capita $6,834.00
Ranked 62nd.
Ranked 10th. 7 times more than Russia

Tax > GDP > Current US$ $2.01 trillion
Ranked 9th.
$16.24 trillion
Ranked 2nd. 8 times more than Russia

Net trade in goods and services > BoP > Current US$ 103.42 billion BoP $
Ranked 3rd.
-716,730,000,000 BoP $
Ranked 137th.

Portfolio investment > Excluding LCFAR > BoP > Current US$ -9,812,080,000 BoP $
Ranked 89th.
-1,088,672,000,000 BoP $
Ranked 120th. 111 times more than Russia

Net capital account > BoP > Current US$ -12,764,060,000 BoP $
Ranked 115th. 3 times more than United States
-4,351,000,000 BoP $
Ranked 114th.

Budget > Expenditures > Per capita $1,853.19 per capita
Ranked 63th.
$9,065.55 per capita
Ranked 26th. 5 times more than Russia

GDP > Composition, by end use > Investment in inventories 2.6%
Ranked 23th. 7 times more than United States
Ranked 87th.
Tourist arrivals by region of origin > Africa 26,909
Ranked 59th.
Ranked 16th. 9 times more than Russia

Steel > Production 59.9 million tonnes
Ranked 4th. 3% more than United States
58.1 million tonnes
Ranked 5th.

Purchasing power parity > GNI > PPP > Current international $ $2.60 trillion
Ranked 7th.
$14.01 trillion
Ranked 2nd. 5 times more than Russia

Debt > External > Per $ GDP $286.04 per $1,000 of GDP
Ranked 86th.
$760.50 per $1,000 of GDP
Ranked 31st. 3 times more than Russia

GNI > PPP > Current international $ 1.51 trillion PPP $
Ranked 10th.
12.45 trillion PPP $
Ranked 1st. 8 times more than Russia

High-technology > Exports > Current US$ $5.11 billion
Ranked 31st.
$231.13 billion
Ranked 3rd. 45 times more than Russia

Stock of direct foreign investment > Abroad $387.20 billion
Ranked 18th.
$4.45 trillion
Ranked 1st. 12 times more than Russia

Oil > Exports per thousand people 51.45 bbl/day
Ranked 23th. 8 times more than United States
6.26 bbl/day
Ranked 55th.

Overall productivity > PPP $16,114.30
Ranked 42nd.
Ranked 2nd. 5 times more than Russia
Final > Consumption expenditure > Etc. > Current US$ 500.47 billion$
Ranked 11th.
10.06 trillion$
Ranked 1st. 20 times more than Russia

Gross National Income > Constant LCU 11211450000000 10687260000000
GDP > Constant 2000 US$ > Per capita 2,444.58 constant 2000 US$ per c
Ranked 67th.
37,267.35 constant 2000 US$ per c
Ranked 4th. 15 times more than Russia

National accounts > US$ at constant 2000 prices > Aggregate indicators > GDP per capita > Constant 2000 US$ $2,805.42
Ranked 70th.
Ranked 6th. 13 times more than Russia

Income > GDP per capita, PPP > Constant 2005 international $ $15,177.27
Ranked 55th.
Ranked 7th. 3 times more than Russia

Scientific and technical journals > Articles published 13,952.7
Ranked 14th.
Ranked 2nd. 15 times more than Russia

Foreign direct investment > Net > BoP > Current US$ > Per capita 15,729.9 BoP $ per 1,000 people
Ranked 83th.
339,670.94 BoP $ per 1,000 people
Ranked 23th. 22 times more than Russia

Goods imports > BoP > Current US$ 125.3 billion BoP $
Ranked 17th.
1.68 trillion BoP $
Ranked 1st. 13 times more than Russia

Net income > BoP > Current US$ -19,110,620,000 BoP $
Ranked 133th.
11.29 billion BoP $
Ranked 5th.

GDP per unit of energy use 2.04 PPP 2000 $/kg of oil eq.
Ranked 110th.
4.6 PPP 2000 $/kg of oil eq.
Ranked 63th. 2 times more than Russia

Oil > Consumption per thousand people 20.63 bbl/day
Ranked 77th.
61.91 bbl/day
Ranked 21st. 3 times more than Russia

Budget > Revenues > Per $ GDP $0.23 per $1 of GDP
Ranked 90th. 29% more than United States
$0.18 per $1 of GDP
Ranked 115th.

Natural gas > Production per capita 4,284.74 cu m
Ranked 6th. 2 times more than United States
1,975.26 cu m
Ranked 10th.

International tourism > Expenditures for travel items > Current US$ $24.89 billion
Ranked 10th.
$85.37 billion
Ranked 3rd. 3 times more than Russia

Researchers in RandD > Per million people 3,319.32 per million people
Ranked 6th.
4,605.01 per million people
Ranked 4th. 39% more than Russia

Tax > Taxes on international trade > Current LCU 4.59 trillion
Ranked 5th. 144 times more than United States
31.87 billion
Ranked 32nd.

Government spending > Subsidies and other transfers > Current LCU per capita 66,384.3
Ranked 23th. 8 times more than United States
Ranked 44th.

Government spending > Subsidies and other transfers > Current LCU 9.49 trillion
Ranked 7th. 4 times more than United States
2.57 trillion
Ranked 14th.

Intellectual property > Patents granted 29,999
Ranked 5th.
Ranked 2nd. 7 times more than Russia

Currency > DEC alternative conversion factor > LCU per US$ 28.28 1
Stocks traded > Total value > Current US$ 514.36 billion$
Ranked 5th.
21.51 trillion$
Ranked 1st. 42 times more than Russia

GDP > Composition, by end use > Investment in fixed capital 22%
Ranked 94th. 49% more than United States
Ranked 162nd.
Trade > Exports > Goods and services 46%
Ranked 51st. 4 times more than United States
Ranked 149th.
Royalty and license fees > Payments > BoP > Current US$ 1.59 billion BoP $
Ranked 16th.
24.5 billion BoP $
Ranked 1st. 15 times more than Russia

Foreign direct investment > Net > BoP > Current US$ 2.25 billion BoP $
Ranked 26th.
100.68 billion BoP $
Ranked 1st. 45 times more than Russia

Trade > Imports > Goods and services > BoP > Current US$ > Per $ GDP 0.216 BoP $ per $1 of GDP
Ranked 121st. 35% more than United States
0.16 BoP $ per $1 of GDP
Ranked 127th.

Economic importance 4.2
Ranked 15th.
Ranked 1st. 47 times more than Russia
Stock of direct foreign investment > At home per capita $3,468.19
Ranked 48th.
Ranked 33th. 2 times more than Russia

Spending > Household final consumption expenditure > Constant 2000 US$ per capita $4,259.77
Ranked 44th.
Ranked 3rd. 7 times more than Russia

Reserves > Total reserves minus gold > Current US$ $486.58 billion
Ranked 4th. 3 times more than United States
$139.13 billion
Ranked 14th.

Spending > Final consumption expenditure > Constant 2000 US$ $769.36 billion
Ranked 14th.
$11.80 trillion
Ranked 1st. 15 times more than Russia

Savings > Gross domestic savings > Current US$ $670.50 billion
Ranked 6th.
$2.55 trillion
Ranked 3rd. 4 times more than Russia

Financial sector > Exchange rates and prices > GDP deflator > Base year varies by country 349.29
Ranked 35th. 3 times more than United States
Ranked 136th.

World Bank exchange rate 31.74
Ranked 70th. 32 times more than United States
Ranked 143th.

Balance of payments > Current account > Balances > Net trade in goods > US$ $111.59 billion
Ranked 3rd.
Ranked 142nd.

Trade > Exports > Goods 191.8 billion
Ranked 17th.
1.58 trillion
Ranked 2nd. 8 times more than Russia

Electricity > Production 925.9 billion kWh
Ranked 4th.
3.95 trillion kWh
Ranked 1st. 4 times more than Russia

Electricity > Imports per capita 103.09 kWh
Ranked 41st.
111.87 kWh
Ranked 38th. 9% more than Russia

Stock of money $303.70 billion
Ranked 6th.
$1.37 trillion
Ranked 3rd. 5 times more than Russia
Gender income ratio 0.64%
Ranked 12th. 3% more than United States
Ranked 16th.
Household final > Consumption expenditure > Constant 2000 US$ per capita 1,315.59 constant 2000 US$
Ranked 57th.
25,916.88 constant 2000 US$
Ranked 1st. 20 times more than Russia

Gross fixed capital formation > Current US$ per capita 969.82$
Ranked 50th.
Ranked 11th. 8 times more than Russia

Gross national expenditure > Current US$ > Per $ GDP 0.864$ per $1 of GDP
Ranked 126th.
1.05$ per $1 of GDP
Ranked 76th. 22% more than Russia

Patent applications > Residents 27,712
Ranked 6th.
Ranked 2nd. 8 times more than Russia

GNI > Atlas method > Current US$ > Per capita 4,458.49$ per capita
Ranked 57th.
43,564.23$ per capita
Ranked 5th. 10 times more than Russia

Income > GNI per capita, PPP > Constant 2005 international $ $14,514.05
Ranked 33th.
Ranked 3rd. 3 times more than Russia

Income > GDP, PPP > Constant 2005 international $ per capita $15,177.27
Ranked 55th.
Ranked 7th. 3 times more than Russia

Income > GNI, PPP > Constant 2005 international $ $2.08 trillion
Ranked 7th.
$14.47 trillion
Ranked 1st. 7 times more than Russia

International tourism > Receipts > Current US$ 7.4 billion$
Ranked 24th.
122.94 billion$
Ranked 1st. 17 times more than Russia

Oil > Production per thousand people 71.14 bbl/day
Ranked 21st. 2 times more than United States
31.32 bbl/day
Ranked 28th.

Gross savings > Current US$ per capita 1,700.26$
Ranked 27th.
Ranked 19th. 3 times more than Russia

Innovation > Patent applications, nonresidents per million 104.36
Ranked 23th.
Ranked 7th. 8 times more than Russia

Innovation > Patent applications, residents 26,495
Ranked 7th.
Ranked 3rd. 9 times more than Russia

Innovation > Scientific and technical journal articles 14,016.2
Ranked 15th.
Ranked 2nd. 15 times more than Russia

GDP > PPP > Current international $ per capita 10,841.83 PPP $
Ranked 50th.
42,016.29 PPP $
Ranked 2nd. 4 times more than Russia

Welfare > Revenue, excluding grants > Current LCU per capita 122,567.4
Ranked 25th. 15 times more than United States
Ranked 69th.

Micro > Small and medium enterprises > Number per 1000 48.14
Ranked 8th. 2 times more than United States
Ranked 19th.
Transnational corporations > Affiliates 7,793
Ranked 13th.
Ranked 7th. 2 times more than Russia
Tax > Social security contributions 15.7%
Ranked 43th.
Ranked 1st. 3 times more than Russia

Tax > Customs and other import duties > Current LCU 640 billion
Ranked 5th. 22 times more than United States
29.22 billion
Ranked 22nd.

Tax > Taxes on income > Profits and capital gains > Current LCU 663.1 billion
Ranked 14th.
1.09 trillion
Ranked 1st. 64% more than Russia

Oil > Imports 42,750 bbl/day
Ranked 85th.
10.27 million bbl/day
Ranked 1st. 240 times more than Russia

Oil > Imports per thousand people 0.301 bbl/day
Ranked 175th.
33.48 bbl/day
Ranked 37th. 111 times more than Russia

Imports > Partners China 15.5%, Germany 9.5%, Ukraine 5.5% China 19%, Canada 14.1%, Mexico 12%, Japan 6.4%, Germany 4.7%
Electricity > Production per capita 6,524.56 kWh
Ranked 25th.
12,885.81 kWh
Ranked 6th. 97% more than Russia

Market value of publicly traded shares $845.40 billion
Ranked 6th.
$15.64 trillion
Ranked 1st. 19 times more than Russia

GDP growth > Duration 1975-2000 -1.2%
Ranked 122nd.
Ranked 44th.
Services > Etc. > Value added > Constant 2000 US$ 175.1 billion constant 2000 US$
Ranked 14th.
7.6 trillion constant 2000 US$
Ranked 1st. 43 times more than Russia

Trade > Exports > Goods and services > Constant 2000 US$ 175.8 billion constant 2000 US$
Ranked 12th.
1.12 trillion constant 2000 US$
Ranked 1st. 6 times more than Russia

Household final > Consumption expenditure > Current US$ > Per capita 2,565.37$ per capita
Ranked 52nd.
27,972.58$ per capita
Ranked 3rd. 11 times more than Russia

Household final > Consumption expenditure > Current US$ 367.14 billion$
Ranked 11th.
8.21 trillion$
Ranked 1st. 22 times more than Russia

Merchandise > Exports > Current US$ 243.57 billion$
Ranked 13th.
904.38 billion$
Ranked 2nd. 4 times more than Russia

Gross national expenditure > Constant 2000 US$ 308.3 billion constant 2000 US$
Ranked 9th.
11.31 trillion constant 2000 US$
Ranked 1st. 37 times more than Russia

Gross fixed capital formation > Current US$ 138.83 billion$
Ranked 11th.
2.19 trillion$
Ranked 1st. 16 times more than Russia

Household final > Consumption expenditure > Etc. > Constant 2000 US$ per capita 1,315.59 constant 2000 US$
Ranked 51st.
25,948.98 constant 2000 US$
Ranked 1st. 20 times more than Russia

Research and development spending 1.1%
Ranked 27th.
Ranked 7th. 2 times more than Russia
Tax > Time to prepare and pay taxes > Hours 320
Ranked 51st. 71% more than United States
Ranked 112th.

Balance of payments > Current account > Goods > Services and income > Exports of goods > Services > Income and wo $379.70 billion
Ranked 14th.
$2.16 trillion
Ranked 2nd. 6 times more than Russia

Financial sector > Monetary holdings > Liabilities > Money and quasi money > M2 > Current LCU 16.77 trillion
Ranked 12th. 35% more than United States
12.42 trillion
Ranked 15th.

Balance of payments > Capital and financial account > Net errors and omissions > Adjusted > BoP > Current US$ $-2,563,673,867.53
Ranked 124th.
$162.52 billion
Ranked 1st.

Intellectual property > Patent applications 31,433
Ranked 10th.
Ranked 3rd. 14 times more than Russia

Commercial service imports > Current US$ > Per capita 268.77$ per capita
Ranked 79th.
948.58$ per capita
Ranked 47th. 4 times more than Russia

Royalty and license fees > Payments > BoP > Current US$ per capita 11.13 BoP $
Ranked 47th.
82.91 BoP $
Ranked 17th. 7 times more than Russia

Net income > BoP > Current US$ per million -133,500,663.64 BoP $
Ranked 85th.
38.22 million BoP $
Ranked 22nd.

Commercial service imports > Current US$ 38.47 billion$
Ranked 17th.
281.17 billion$
Ranked 1st. 7 times more than Russia

Foreign direct investment > Net > BoP > Current US$ > Per $ GDP 2.95 BoP $ per $1,000 of GDP
Ranked 98th.
8.11 BoP $ per $1,000 of GDP
Ranked 88th. 3 times more than Russia

Trade > Imports of goods > Services and income > BoP > Current US$ per capita 1,409.49 BoP $
Ranked 82nd.
8,308.6 BoP $
Ranked 37th. 6 times more than Russia

Natural gas > Consumption 424.9 billion cu m
Ranked 2nd.
683.3 billion cu m
Ranked 1st. 61% more than Russia

Natural gas > Proved reserves per capita 332,750.42 cu m
Ranked 8th. 15 times more than United States
22,397.07 cu m
Ranked 30th.

Natural gas > Proved reserves 47.57 trillion cu m
Ranked 1st. 7 times more than United States
6.93 trillion cu m
Ranked 6th.

External debt > Date of information 30 June 2006 est. 30 June 2006 est.
Micro > Small and medium enterprises > Per 1,000 people 48.15 per 1,000 people
Ranked 8th. 2 times more than United States
19.99 per 1,000 people
Ranked 19th.
Tourism > International tourism, receipts for travel items > Current US$ per capita $79.73
Ranked 98th.
Ranked 62nd. 6 times more than Russia

Tourism > International tourism, number of departures 39.32 million
Ranked 7th.
58.5 million
Ranked 4th. 49% more than Russia

Tourism > International tourism, expenditures > Current US$ $36.91 billion
Ranked 9th.
$117.29 billion
Ranked 2nd. 3 times more than Russia

Companies > Ease of doing business index > 1=most business-friendly regulations per million 0.773
Ranked 168th. 61 times more than United States
Ranked 188th.
International tourism > Receipts for travel items > Current US$ $11.94 billion
Ranked 20th.
$134.91 billion
Ranked 2nd. 11 times more than Russia

Tourism receipts > International > Per $ GDP $9.68 per $1,000 of GDP
Ranked 133th.
$9.90 per $1,000 of GDP
Ranked 131st. 2% more than Russia

GDP > PPP > Current international $ > Per capita 10,844.59 PPP $ per capita
Ranked 51st.
41,889.59 PPP $ per capita
Ranked 2nd. 4 times more than Russia

GDP > PPP > Constant 2000 international $ > Per capita 9,647.96 PPP 2000 $ per capita
Ranked 51st.
37,267.35 PPP 2000 $ per capita
Ranked 2nd. 4 times more than Russia

Patent applications > Nonresidents 9,858
Ranked 7th.
Ranked 1st. 21 times more than Russia

International tourism > Expenditures > Current US$ 18.8 billion$
Ranked 8th.
99.62 billion$
Ranked 1st. 5 times more than Russia

Tax > Tax payments > Number per million 0.0488
Ranked 183th. 39% more than United States
Ranked 185th.

Trade > Exports > Per $ GDP $0.31 per $1 of GDP
Ranked 83th. 4 times more than United States
$0.08 per $1 of GDP
Ranked 152nd.

Purchasing power parity > PPP conversion factor > Private > Consumption > LCU per international $ $16.78
Ranked 62nd. 17 times more than United States
Ranked 124th.

Purchasing power parity > GDP > PPP > Constant 2005 international $ $1.93 trillion
Ranked 8th.
$12.82 trillion
Ranked 2nd. 7 times more than Russia

Tourism expenditures > International $16.53 billion
Ranked 8th.
$93.22 billion
Ranked 1st. 6 times more than Russia

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