Senegal Child labor Stats
- Both sexes: Percentage of all children 5-11 years old who do at least one hour of econmic activity a week or at least 28 hours of househould chores. Children 12-14 are included if they peformed at least 14 hours of economic activiy or at least 28 hours of household chores.
- Boys: Percentage of male children 5-11 years old who do at least one hour of econmic activity a week or at least 28 hours of househould chores. Children 12-14 are included if they peformed at least 14 hours of economic activiy or at least 28 hours of household chores.
- Girls: Percentage of female children 5-11 years old who do at least one hour of econmic activity a week or at least 28 hours of househould chores. Children 12-14 are included if they peformed at least 14 hours of economic activiy or at least 28 hours of household chores.