Martinique Media Stats
- Internet > IP addresses per capita: Number of IPv4 internet address allocated per 1000 residents.
- Internet > Internet Service Providers: The number of Internet Service Providers within a country. An ISP is defined as a company that provides access to the Internet.
- Internet > Users: This entry gives the number of users within a country that access the Internet. Statistics vary from country to country and may include users who access the Internet at least several times a week to those who access it only once within a period of several months.
- Internet > Users > Per capita: This entry gives the number of users within a country that access the Internet. Statistics vary from country to country and may include users who access the Internet at least several times a week to those who access it only once within a period of several months. Per capita figures expressed per 1,000 population.
- Radio broadcast stations: The total number of AM, FM, and shortwave broadcast stations.
- Telephone system > General assessment: A brief characterization of the system with details on the domestic and international components. The following terms and abbreviations are used throughout the entry: Africa ONE - a fiber-optic submarine cable link encircling the continent of Africa.
- Telephone system > International: A brief characterization of the system with details on international components. The following terms and abbreviations are used throughout the entry: Africa ONE - a fiber-optic submarine cable link encircling the continent of Africa. Arabsat
- Telephones > Main lines in use: The total number of main telephone lines in use.
- Telephones > Mobile cellular: The total number of mobile cellular telephones in use.
- Television broadcast stations: This entry gives the total number of separate broadcast stations plus any repeater stations.
- Televisions: The total number of televisions
SOURCES:; All CIA World Factbooks 18 December 2003 to 18 December 2008; CIA World Factbook, December 2003; Source: UNESCO UIS Data | UNESCO Institute for Statistics; CIA World Factbooks 18 December 2003 to 28 March 2011
Martinique Media Profiles (Subcategories)
Internet 10 |
Martinique categories
Agriculture | Environment | Military |
Background | Geography | People |
Crime | Government | Religion |
Culture | Health | Terrorism |
Economy | Labor | Transport |
Education | Language | Travel |
Energy | Media |
- Martinique ranked 39 places from the bottom for televisions amongst Hot countries in 2003.
- Martinique ranked 14 places from the bottom for internet > internet service providers amongst Densely populated countries in 2003.