Ukraine Immigration Stats
- Cultural Diversity Index: The probability that two individuals selected at random from a country speak a very different language. A high score of close to 1 indicates that many unrelated languages are spoken. A score of close to 0 means that few languages are spoken, and / or that the spoken languages are similar to one another. For more information, please refer to Fearon (see citation).
- Destination countries of nationalities and ethnic groups > Chechen population centres: City with the largest Chechen population in each country.
Destination countries of nationalities and ethnic groups > Jews > Enlarged Jewish population:
Jewish population by country. The enlarged Jewish community includes Jews, non-Jews with Jewish ancestry and non-Jewish members of Jewish households.
- Destination countries of nationalities and ethnic groups > Percent of population of African descent: Percentage of each country's population that is of African descent. These numbers include people mixed with African descent as well.
- Destination countries of nationalities and ethnic groups > Russians: Number of residents who are ethnic Russians and maintain a feeling of Russian national identity.
- Ethnic Fractionalization Index: The probability that two individuals selected at random from a country will be from different ethnic groups, 0 meaning that each individual in this country is from the same ethnic group. For a discussion of what constitutes an ethnic group, please refer to Fearon (see citation).
- Ethnic Fractionalization Index per million people: The probability that two individuals selected at random from a country will be from different ethnic groups, 0 meaning that each individual in this country is from the same ethnic group. For a discussion of what constitutes an ethnic group, please refer to Fearon (see citation). Figures expressed per million people for the same year.
- Nationality compositions of > Canada: Country of birth of Canadian residents (number of residents).
- Nationality compositions of > Germany, nationalised foreigners: Country of origin of people who obtained German citizenship by naturalization in the period 1995-2004
- Nationality compositions of > Norway: Country of origin of Norway’s population who was either foreign born or born in Norway to foreign residents (number of people by country of origin).
- Nationality compositions of Canada, share of immigrants: Portion of immigrants in Canada.
Refugees and asylum seekers > Natives per Refugee:
Natives per Refugee.
No date was available from the Wikipedia article, so we used the date of retrieval.
- Visa overstay rate > Australia: Modified Non-Return Rate.
Visas > Visa requirements for > British citizens:
Visa requirement.
No date was available from the Wikipedia article, so we used the date of retrieval.
Visas > Visa requirements for > Canadians > Notes:
Notes (excluding departure fees).
No date was available from the Wikipedia article, so we used the date of retrieval.
SOURCES: Ethnic and Cultural Diversity By Country. James D. Faeron. Journal of Economic Growth, 8, 195-222, 2003, p. 215 ff.; Wikipedia: Chechen diaspora (Chechen diaspora per country) (Refworld | Continuing Human Rights Abuses Force Chechens to Flee to Europe); https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&q=cache:Rv2hLhme008J:www.jewishdatabank.org/Reports/World_Jewish_Population_2010.pdf+world+jewish+population+2010&hl=en&gl=us&pid=bl&srcid=ADGEEShFmlEo2XYeBjYVUGgz_STm8ZXvaFqIMHdpfxUC8uWpDuLqb9l7GvJbF2piXHqxgDaGkOY3jfCA_RkpUlKLSByoSQC3cLV-5LcpxgXggqUIYwzK9hdfmwVv4Sz0BdeFMxJ_-2To&sig=AHIEtbT5tVUek4PSi_N_5f0Dwe-11sBzMg, Number 2 - 2010. The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Sergio DellaPergola. p. 60.; Wikipedia: African diaspora (Estimated population and distribution); Wikipedia: Russian diaspora (Statistics); Ethnic and Cultural Diversity By Country. James D. Faeron. Journal of Economic Growth, 8, 195-222, 2003, p. 215 ff.; Ethnic and Cultural Diversity By Country. James D. Faeron. Journal of Economic Growth, 8, 195-222, 2003, p. 215 ff. Population figures from World Bank: (1) United Nations Population Division. World Population Prospects, (2) United Nations Statistical Division. Population and Vital Statistics Report (various years), (3) Census reports and other statistical publications from national statistical offices, (4) Eurostat: Demographic Statistics, (5) Secretariat of the Pacific Community: Statistics and Demography Programme, and (6) U.S. Census Bureau: International Database.; http://www12.statcan.gc.ca/census-recensement/2006/dp-pd/hlt/97-557/T404-eng.cfm?Lang=E&T=404&GH=4&GF=1&SC=1&S=1&O=D; http://www.bamf.de/SharedDocs/Anlagen/DE/Publikationen/Migrationsberichte/migrationsbericht-2012.pdf?__blob=publicationFile, Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge, table 8.4, p. 239. ; http://www.ssb.no/en/innvbef; Wikipedia: Immigration to Canada (Canadian permanent resident population by country of birth) ([1] , Place of birth for the immigrant population by period of immigration, 2006 counts and percentages [1] , Population by immigrant status and period of immigration, 2006 counts, for Canada, provinces and territories); Wikipedia: List of countries by refugee population (By Country of Asylum); Wikipedia: Visa policy of Australia (Modified Non-Return Rate) (Modified Non-Return Rate Quarterly Report Ending at 30 June 2013, ); Wikipedia: Visa requirements for British citizens (Visa requirements); Wikipedia: Visa requirements for Canadian citizens (Visa requirements)
Did you know
- The Ukraine has 8 million Russians.
Ukraine People > Immigration Profiles (Subcategories)
Destination countries of nationalities and ethnic groups 8 | Visas 14 |
Nationality compositions of 13 |