Luxembourg Language Stats
- English > Conversational English prevalence: Percentage of people in each EU country who are not English native speakers, who claimed in a survey to be able to speak English well enough to hold a conversation.
- French > Conversational French prevalence: Percentage of people in each EU country who are not French native speakers, who claimed in a survey to be able to speak French well enough to hold a conversation.
- French status: Status of French language in selected countries. Additional information for Mauritius provided by the Ministry of Tourism website of the Republic of Mauritius
- German > Conversational German prevalence: Percentage of people in each EU country who are not German native speakers, who claimed in a survey to be able to speak German well enough to hold a conversation.
- Italian > Conversational Italian prevalence: Percentage of people in each EU country who are not Italian native speakers, who claimed in a survey to be able to speak Italian well enough to hold a conversation.
- Languages: A rank ordering of languages starting with the largest and sometimes includes the percent of total population speaking that language.
- Linguistic diversity index: LDI.
- Major language(s): Country major languages.
- Polish > Conversational Polish prevalence: Percentage of people in each EU country who are not Polish native speakers, who claimed in a survey to be able to speak Polish well enough to hold a conversation.
- Russian > Conversational Russian prevalence: Percentage of people in each EU country who are not Russian native speakers, who claimed in a survey to be able to speak Russian well enough to hold a conversation.
- Spanish > Conversational Spanish prevalence: Percentage of people in each EU country who are not Spanish native speakers, who claimed in a survey to be able to speak Spanish well enough to hold a conversation.
SPECIAL EUROBAROMETER 386 “Europeans and their Languages”, p. 21.
; SPECIAL EUROBAROMETER 386 “Europeans and their Languages”, p. 21.; Ethnologue; CIA World Factbooks 18 December 2003 to 28 March 2011; Wikipedia: Linguistic diversity index (Rankings by country) (UNESCO World Report – Investing in Cultural Diversity and Intercultural Dialogue); British Broadcasting Corporation 2014